Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Enter...the Travis!

Enter...the Travis!

By Kotone Noda
The Daily Yay
January 17, 2020

Yesterday morning, to the strains of Green Leaves's "YATTA!," Fluttershy College introduced their new offensive coordinator for the Spirit Football Team in front of a packed crowd at Everfree Hall, the college gymnasium.


"Well, first I want to thank everyone for coming today," said the college founder, Fluttershy. "I want to also thank our wonderful athletic director, Angel Bunny, for setting up this meeting." Angel took a bow. "And now, I would like to introduce the new offensive coordinator, one who is excited to be here at my college. Ladies and gentlemen, mares and gentlecolts, here is Mr. Travis Rountsaville."
A tall man went to the podium, dressed in a simple button down shirt and slacks. The flashbulbs went off like crazy. "Hey, good mroing, everybody," Travis said to the press and fans.
"Good mroing," they all said.
"Well, um...hmmm. Let me go ahead and start off..." A crack of the knuckles, and? "...with this." He tore his shirt off, revealing his muscular physique. "YOU'RE GOING TO LOOOOOOVE MEEEEEEEEEE!" he roared, eliciting cheers from the press and fans, and some applause.
"Oh...oh my...meep!" Fluttershy was peeing herself.
A few staff members gave Travis a T-shirt and a Fluttershy sweater to put over it. "Thank you, now can someone get a mop to clean that mess the founder made?" It was taken care of. "You liked that, eh? I know that dude over there in the back like it. Wait a minute, is that you @Reel?"
"Shit, it is me, Travis!" Reel said. "Whatcha doin' over here, bro!?"
Fluttershy went over to snuggle Travis, eliciting some "awwws" from the crowd. "I got hired."
"Dayum son!" Reel stayed to watch the rest of this presser.
"And I notice that this women in front of me is bleeding from the nose." Travis leaned closer to the microphone. "Is there a doctor in the house?"


An ape with blonde hair arrived. "You were asking for me, Travis?"
"Dr. Zaius! How could I have forgotten. You're here to do a case study on some hipsters and hippies that attend Fluttershy. I'm so sorry. Yes, you may go ahead and help this young lady."
"Yes sir," Dr. Zaius said, going over to assist the lady suffering a nosebleed from seeing Travis's uber-sexyness.
"Now then, ahem. My name is Travis Rountsaville, and I am excited to be your offensive coordinator for the Fluttershy Spirit. I like the university and its people. They really emphasize winning and learning, on and off the classroom. The power of team is strong, and the founder is one that..."
Travis wagged a "come here" finger to Fluttershy. "Eh?" Fluttershy said.
"Are you single?" Travis whispered.
"Yes, yes, I am."
"You're not trying to sleep with the founder are you?" Angel asked him.
"I got everything under control. I'm the BTT."
"I forgot. You're the BTT, you should be fine." Angel Bunny had a lot of respect for Travis as the BTT. Legend has it that the BTT had powers that were so amazing, it would make your head spin.
Travis returned to the press. "The founder of this university is Best Pony."
"YEAAAAAAH!" the fans roared, clapping.
"It's an honor to be a part of the program, and I hope Coach Canales and I work well together heading into this coming season. I'll take the floor to questions."
"Yes, Sergei Skobrev, Moscow News," said the first journalist. "What offense do you plan to run here at Fluttershy?"
"It's Travisshy, by the way," he countered, eliciting some tittillating "ooooohs!" from the fans. "Anyway, we plan to put the ball on the ground and wear down our opponents through the triple option. We want to be very conservative with the ball and through a return to the old school, we should be able to get results."
"Jeff Mason, New Orleans Times-Picayune. Twilight Sparkle has been winning the last several conference titles. How are you going to challenge Twilie for the crown this year?"
"We're actually going to focus on getting a winning record, making it to a bowl game and winning the bowl game. That's going to come from successful recruiting and very good management of our resources. Our coaches know what they have to do and Coach Canales is the one that really knows how this thing works."
"Steve Morris, New York Times. Why did you choose Fluttershy? Could you have done better at Colorado State?"
"Colorado State, unfortunately, would have been tough for me to be a coordinator at. I don't think I would have lasted as much. Here, I am very convinced that I can get it done and get results."
"Ernie Hastert, Los Angeles Times. Do you think this is the year that Twilight Sparkle finally falls down from their perch as the best team in college football?"
"I don't think anybody can take down Twilie, except for Twilie. The entire college football landscape knows this and they have adjusted well. Two years ago, San Diego State won a national championship, the first in their program's history, so I'm sure it won't be a problem for the rest of college football to deal with the Unicorns and the team they had. I'll take one more question, and then I will be done."
"Robert Fredricks, Dallas Morning News. What other skills are you good at?"
"I'm a white-hat hacker, a commander of Panzer tanks under the handle @Travis7401 and I am the mythical Boss Tom Turkey. I plan to incorporate these skills or elements into our Spirit offense and make them a force in the Pony Conference for years to come."

After the press conference, Fluttershy and Travis went to Fluttershy's cottage, which doubled as the President's Office. It was complete with a bedroom, and this time there were no animals. Travis was busy moving his clothes and materials into the bedroom provided for him by the College.
"This is where you're going to stay, Travis," she said. "I'll make sure to cook you some meals and also get you settled."
In a few minutes, he was finished. "Actually, I'm not hungry for meals...I'm hungry for you."
Fluttershy, immediately, was in heat. "F...For me? Oh my."


He pinned her to the bed and suddenly, Fluttershy transformed into a human version of herself. "Ever since I came to this campus, I wanted to make love to you and I needed your touch so bad. Fluttershy. I. Want. You."
"Oh Travis!" Fluttershy cried as Travis tore off his clothes and made love to Fluttershy in the nude. Fluttershy watched as her clothes were taken off her and for a few hours, they consummated. "Ahhhhhhh!" she cried, coming.
"Fluttershy," he whispered, lost in her cleavage. "Mmmmmmmm..." He was motorboating. They were huge. Her breasts, that is.
"I...I...I...Am Aaron Rodgers for Travis?"
"You're Aaron Rodgers for me?" he grinned.
"Like your friend @pavel!"
"You know him?"
"I just read a conversation that was sent to me by Photo Finish. He said he was Aaron Rodgers for you!"
"Hahahahah, naw, that's a long time ago. Really long time ago."
"But he can't be Aaron Rodgers for Travis. It is I that must be Aaron Rodgers for you. Travis! I want to be your slave!" she hissed, horny as fuck.
"I don't do slavery, I do partnerships," Travis replied, running his hands through Fluttershy's bubblegum-scented hair. "You're gonna be my partner and we're gonna make this year our year. The Era of BTTYay starts now."
"Oh, my sweet Travis! Haaaaah!" Fluttershy squealed as the two of them shared a long, deep, rich kiss that caused them to fall into a deep sleep. Outside, some campus girls in their underwear were getting off, seeing how Travis's awesome libido caused the founder to be touched for the very first time. Like a virgin.

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